Upcoming Events

The Banking 2020 Conference of the World Economic Union registration is NOW OPEN. You are cordially invited to join us at the Banking 2020 conference in Chicago at University Center.

The World Economic Union:

Defending healthy trade relations and regulations

Economic Conference
World Economic Union Award
Left: Our ambassadors answer questions from the international press.
Above: For his unrelenting efforts in Sudan, the 2016 WEU award was proudly given to Najeeb Osman.

Historically speaking, compared to previous civilizations, the modern global market is unknown territory. Trade agreements are plastered all over the internet. Corporations that give lucrative contracts to corrupt governments in exchange for irreversibly damaging their environment are being revealed. This type of economic transparency is exactly what the WEU promotes. Our members support raising living standards, reducing poverty throughout the world, strengthening environmental and labor protections, training people with skills needed now and in the future, and increasing innovation that directly benefits a common good.

Today, social campaigns have been our most useful and inexpensive tool for reaching millions of the world's citizens. Everyday people can stand in unison against governments and corporations which engage in harmful practices, while supporting those who foster civil good and societal responsibility.

Global Market Updates

Global Poverty Line of $1.25 a Day Too Low?

Economists believe people in developing countries actually require more money.

  • Studies have shown that most people living hand to mouth lack educational and economic opportunity, and that, when such are made available to them, benefits accrue to all..
  • Some believe there should be multiple poverty lines defined across countries with the poorest being the highest priority. Every region, regardless of borders, has a drastically distinctive subsistence level.

Poorer Countries Lifting Trade Barriers to Stay Competitive

Trading with other underdeveloped and developed countries, a poor nation can grow their economy and begin to provide their citizens with a higher quality of life. However, to preserve their future economic growth, they must include specific protections and regulations that refrain their industries from damaging their natural habitats, violating the rights and freedoms of their citizens, or incentivizing institutional corruption.

Identifying and Encouraging a Country's Economic Advantages and Resources Decreases Poverty and Increases Global Success

Christopher Redding / August 25, 2016

The World Economic Union is committed to reducing the number of global citizens who lack access to educational and economic resources which hold them back from living above the poverty line. To do this, we follow the latest economic theories, intergovernmental trade agreements and policies, and business interests from the world's most successful corporations. With this, our goal is to educate every country, rich and poor, on how they can better utilize their resources while benefiting the world as one united front. We believe every country has value and potential. It's our mission to open a global discussion that removes barriers to success and introduces co-operative and sustainable economic relationships, where possible.

Global Economy Economic Statistics Global Labor Force

"Conclusively, the World Economic Union ensures that the world works efficiently and as conscientiously as possible. Every country has worth, whether it be tourism, manufacturing, or agriculture. By identifying an area's greatest worth and nurturing it as such, we establish a unified and peaceful world we can be proud of for our children and our children's children."

Henry George - Professor of International Trade

The largest difference between our work and other organizations is we don't group countries together by their wealth, ethic group, or border. We look for economic factors such as trade policies, export strategies, import substitutions, agricultural activities, and living wages that can fluctuate dramatically seasonally. Since we know each section has a varying economy, we like to go a step further and define a poverty line, not for each country, but for a county, city, and territory. Defining these small areas lets us better understand the sections that are at the highest risk for exploitation and hardship. Then, the poor areas can determine what it is they can do to compete in the global market, maintain relevance in the global economy, and remain sustainable for a healthy economic future, without having to sacrifice too much. Each region must establish their place in the world's economy, balancing the liberty and freedoms of its citizenry against the temptation to centralize decision-making authority. The benefit of the doubt - the tie-breaker - should always, in a free society, go to the rights of an individual's liberty and not to some unfailing and idealistic notion of a "benevolent bureaucracy" which can never be wrong and must, therefore, never be questioned.